What is the difference between the Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) and the Spring Leadership Conference (SLC)?
The Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) is an opportunity for your to test your preparation, and see where you rank amongst your peers. It is not a qualifier, so it is not mandatory for students to participate. However, there is not a reduced fee if you choose not to participate. FLC is held completely online. Please visit the conference page on our website for more event specifics.
The Spring Leadership Conference (SLC) is Canada's largest annual health science competition. Both secondary and post-secondary students attend the conference to compete in events that focus on developing profession-specific technical skills as well as other skills like teamwork, leadership, and communication. Top 3 competitors in each event qualify for the International Leadership Conference in June. SLC is held in-person in downtown Toronto. Please visit the conference page on our website for more event specifics.
Although both secondary and post-secondary students will be attending the same conference and participating in the same events, the two will be marked separately in order for both to gain the most from their experience with HOSA Canada.